Madison History
A Brief History of Madison Township: A brief history of the early settlement of Madison Township from the 1935 Directory of Madison
Circuit Preachers: Circuit Preachers in this part of Ohio from 1812
Deed to Madison Public Square: A copy of the deed to Madison Public Square, taken from an old Township Record Book
Early History of Madison The account was prepared by Antionette Walding Stanton to be read at a Homecraft Club meeting in June of 1966
Elisha Wood’s Tannery Written in approximately 1953, includes information on many other Madison businesses; Madison tannery, monument works, blacksmith shop, onion barrell maker, and hotels
Excerpts from a paper by General Abel Kimball, 1880
H.H. Roe & Company, Manufacturers of Cheese Vats, Madison, OH
History by A. Kimball: General History of the Township by General Abel Kimball, March 4, 1880
History of Madison Churches Prepared by Msis Violet Crandall (Taken from the Madison Press; April 10, 1953)
History of Madison Schools A brief history of the schools in Madison Township
History of the Dock Road Arcola Creek area, Madison Township, Ohio, 1795-1863, by Sue Orris
Indenture of Hiram Bottom: From Book #1 of Madison Township Records – page 127
Index for “The Times,” a Madison Historical Society Publication
Names of Householders in Various School Districts in Madison Township – March 1930
Madison Earliest Days: 1798-1826 by Charlotte Hall Kellogg (Given before the fortnightly Club, February 1922)
Madison Industries From 1800 to 1953: Madison Press, March 20, 1953, reported in paper by Lettie Ross
Madison Village Houses: A listing of Madison’s oldest houses
Religious History of the Township, by William Hendry
Shipbuilding at Madison Dock: A History of shipbuilding in Madison and Lake County
True Pioneer Stories: Stories from Madison’s pioneer past