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Access the library’s physical & digital collections from your mobile device using these apps.

If prompted for a PIN, the last 4 digits of the cardholder’s phone # is the default PIN. Call (440) 4284-2189 for assistance.


Access Clevnet Libraries from your phone or tablet. Manage your account, search the catalog, renew and reserve books.


Freegal offers access to about 9 million songs, from over 28,000 music labels, including Sony Music Entertainment.


Instantly borrow free digital movies, music, graphic novels, eBooks and more, 24/7 with your library card.


Borrow thousands of magazines, eBooks, audiobooks, and more; anywhere, anytime. All you need is a library card.


Little Pim

Little Pim is the leading language teaching method designed just for children. The short 5-minute videos hold their focus so they can begin their language learning journey on their own.

Child-friendly themes of colors, shapes, counting, and foods make it relatable. Hearing and repeat the 360 foundational words and phrases with Little Pim (who’s voiced by native speakers in each of the 12 languages) helps them recall, reproduce, and apply the new sounds. We even have companion guides and scripts if you want some extra help as you watch the videos. And kids love the playful panda, so their first association with language learning is fun.  It’s ad free quality screen time you can feel good about.

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Learning a new language isn’t easy. It is a commitment which requires consistent interaction with the unknown and the unfamiliar, but one which leads to rewarding discoveries along the way. A blend of the right content at the right time, with intelligent algorithms, high-quality audio, and powered by proven methodologies, Mango’s adaptive learning process evolves to your progress and unique learning behaviors, preparing you to start the conversation with confidence.

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

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We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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