Cardholder Policies

A library card is a gateway to a world of knowledge and imagination. With a library card in hand, one gains access not only to shelves lined with books but also to a vast array of digital resources, audiobooks, and multimedia materials. It symbolizes the freedom to explore, learn, and grow intellectually. A library card transcends barriers of age, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, offering equal opportunities for all to indulge in the treasures of literature and information. It’s a passport to adventure, enlightenment, and endless possibilities, fostering a lifelong love affair with learning and discovery.

Library Cards

Permanent residents of Ohio and those who own property in Ohio are eligible for a free library card. Only one card is allowed per individual in the Clevnet system, with the exceptions of the Books2Go library card issued to youth aged 17 and under and Teacher Cards. (See additional policies below for special cards) Madison Public Library honors the library cards of other CLEVNET libraries for the circulation of materials. There is a $1.00 charge for replacement of a lost card. There is no charge to replace a damaged card.


Out-of-state patrons

Madison Public Library will issue a library card with restricted borrowing privileges to patrons that live out-of-state for a $10.00 fee. The applicant must show identification containing his or her name and permanent address. The library card can only be used at Madison Public Library for items in MPL’s collection.

A patron who lives out-of-state may borrow up to five (5) library items at a time. Additional items may be charged out when previously charged items are returned. Regular loan periods, fines and fees will apply.

Applying for a Library Card

To apply for a library card, adults aged 18 or older must fill out an application and present valid identification and current proof of address if address is not listed on the identification. Acceptable forms of identification include a driver’s license, state ID card, passport, and US Military ID. Acceptable proof of a current address is either a printed personal check showing the address on the application, a utility bill, or other piece of mail (dated within last 30 days) postmark received at the address shown on the application. A birthdate and signature accepting financial responsibility for borrowed materials are required for a library card.

No video games can be borrowed on the first check-out of a new card.

The signer or co-signer of an application is responsible for the return in good condition of all materials checked out on the card. Lost materials or fines and fees incurred on a library card are the responsibility of the signer or co-signer. A cardholder must notify the library of a lost or stolen card so a block may be placed on the number.

Every three years on the anniversary of registration, a patron will be asked to update the patron’s registration information. This involves simply verifying address information. Valid identification and current proof of address may be requested when renewing library privileges.

Children’s Library Cards

If an applicant is under the age of 18 the signature of a parent or legal guardian, to accept financial responsibility for borrowed materials, is also required. Parent or guardian must show valid identification. A minor (under 18 years of age) may apply for a library card when he or she is able to write his/her full name on the application. Until a child has reached the age of 18 years, the parent is responsible for selection of materials and fines or fees.

If the parent’s (or legal guardian’s) library card is blocked because it exceeds maximum fines, fees, over dues or items claimed returned, then no card shall be issued to a minor until the parent’s card is cleared of restrictions.

It is not the policy of the Library to decide to which ideas individual children should be exposed, therefore parents need to help their children select materials. Parents may request that a minor child may be limited from borrowing all video recordings and video games. The limit is lifted at the request of the parent or when the child reaches the age of 18 years. Requests to limit juvenile borrowing of selected media will be indicated in writing on the Library card application form.

Additionally, youth aged 17 and under may apply for one Books2Go card with borrowing privileges restricted to 2 print titles from Madison’s collection only. Youth may apply for this card without the signature of a parent or guardian.

Teacher Cards & Loan Policies

Effective: April 2007, Updated Nov. 2017

Teacher Loans are special lending privileges for any public, private, or preschool teacher; child care center; educational organization; or home-schooling parent. These special privileges are designed to encourage teachers to utilize library materials in their classrooms without interfering with their personal use of the library.


Read more about our Library Services for Teachers.

  • Teachers may obtain a separate library card to check out materials intended for classroom use. This card will be kept on file at the library.
  • The loan period on a teacher card is 6 weeks for Print all materials except Juvenile Express Items which can only be borrowed for 2 weeks.
  • Teacher loan cards may be used to check out materials (except Adult Express Items), Books on CD and Cake Pans.
  • There will be no overdue fines charged on Madison Public Library materials checked out as a teacher loan. However, if these materials become more than two weeks overdue, they will be assumed lost and the teacher will be charged replacement costs. If materials become more than four weeks overdue, the teacher/cardholder will be billed for the items.
  • There may be limits on materials which cover topics in high demand (for example: holiday books) or for which our collection is limited (for example: apples).
  • Teachers or Librarians (with a Teacher’s permission) may place interlibrary loan requests to complete a teacher’s request for materials using the teacher’s personal card.
  • Items from other libraries must be checked out on the teacher’s personal card and are subject to the originating library’s circulation policies (including overdue fines and lost fees).
  • Videos and DVDs must be requested and checked out on the teacher’s personal card and will be subject to regular circulation guidelines.
  • At the library’s sole discretion, the library may revoke teacher loan privileges in any case where these privileges are being abused.      

Loan Periods for Madison Public Library Materials

21 Days
14 Days
7 Days
3 Days

Materials borrowed from other libraries circulate under the loan, renewal and fine policies of the owning library. Madison Public Library respects the policies of the owning library.

Renewal Policies

Most Madison Public Library items may be renewed up to five times providing there are no reserves on the items.  Items may be renewed in person at the library or on the Clevnet web catalog in the My Account section.  Renewal loans are for the same period as the original loan.

Exceptions to the renewal policy include New Gaming discs, Equipment, 3-Day DVDs & Blu-rays, Reference materials and materials owned by other libraries. Digital materials renew per rules of vendor.

Automatic Renewals

The system will attempt to automatically renew items one day before an item is due, however, the renewal date in the transaction will be set to the due date. This means that patrons will not “lose a day” on the loan period.

Items won’t be renewed if:

  • Another patron has placed a hold on the item.
  • The item has reached its renewal limit.
  • Patrons have a BLOCKED or BARRED status.

If an item CANNOT be renewed, patrons will receive a courtesy due soon notice (via PHONE, EMAIL, or SMSTXT). To accommodate automatic renewals, the timing for courtesy notices will be reduced from 2 days to 1 day for EMAIL and SMSTXT notification methods.

Overdue Fines & Fees

$1.00 per day –All Blu-Rays, DVDs and Video Games, Equipment, and Reference materials

$.10 per day – All other materials except children’s books

No Overdue Fines on Children or Young Adult Books

Fees Up to the Cost of Material for all unreturned or damaged materials

Overdue Fines will accumulate to a maximum of $3.00 on any item.  Patrons with fines and fees over $10.00 will be blocked from checking out additional materials.

Lost or Damaged Materials 

Cardholders are responsible for the return in a complete and undamaged condition of all materials checked out on their cards.  Until a child reaches the age of 18, the parent or legal guardian is responsible for all materials and fees.

Madison Public Library charges fees when library materials are returned in a damaged condition. Damaged materials are assessed by library personnel. Patrons are billed for either a repair fee or full replacement costs, depending on the extent of the damage.


Damaged Items

Patrons are not charged for normal wear and tear on library materials. However, the following conditions do not constitute normal wear and tear and may result in repair or replacement charges:

  • Wet, moldy books, or biological contamination or other potential hazards
  • Insect activity
  • Books damaged by food stains, oily or sticky residue
  • Books missing pages or covers, or chewed up covers
  • Books containing marking by pencil, ink or highlight marker
  • Books showing tears, cuts, graffiti or other unusual damage

Damaged or Lost Pieces

Many materials in the library have multiple pieces, such as educational kits, equipment, kitchen kits, board games, etc. It is the patron’s responsibility to return all pieces. If an essential piece is broken or lost, Madison Public Library will charge the patron for the repair or for the replacement cost of the piece. Essential pieces are those that are necessary for materials to be usable.

If the item requires an essential piece and that piece is lost and not replaceable, the patron will be billed for the replacement cost of the entire item. Replacement or repair costs are at the discretion of library personnel and are determined based on the particular circumstances of each case. Patrons are generally charged for repairs to equipment at cost and for replacement pieces at retail price.

Items are thoroughly checked by library personnel upon each return, so missing or damaged pieces will be billed to the last borrowing patron upon discovery. It is highly recommended that each patron verify that all pieces are present upon check-out and return.


Repair and Replacement Costs

Repair costs are at the discretion of library personnel and are determined based on the particular circumstances of each case. If the item is repaired, it is returned to the shelf and the patron is billed for the repair cost.

If library personnel conclude the library material is irreparable and must be withdrawn from the library’s collection, patrons are charged the replacement costs.

In most cases the patron may keep the withdrawn damaged item if it is paid within 30 days of the charge. Items withdrawn due to biological contamination, mold, insect activity or other potential hazards may be discarded upon evaluation. If library staff determine that materials may not be stored due to biological contamination, mold, insect activity or other potential hazards, the damaged materials will be destroyed. The charge for the damaged item remains on the patron’s record until it is paid.

Fees for some basic replacement parts for Audiovisual items and missing RFIDs.

DVD or Blu-ray Case          $2.00

Audiobook Case                 $7.00

Game Case                        $2.00

RFID Stingray removed     $2.00

RFID Square removed       $1.00

Other fees for damage that may be repaired will be at the discretion of the Director or Circulation Manager.


Non-Madison Public Library Items

Items borrowed from another library are subject to the policies of the lending library. This includes the lending library’s charges for materials that are lost, damaged, or returned with parts missing, and any related processing fees, plus possible overdue charges for the library.

Library Notices

Library notices are delivered by Net Notice (email) or U.S. Postal Service. Some notifications are made by phone. It is the library patron’s responsibility to provide the library with up-to-date contact information.

If a patron registers for Net Notice, he will receive reminders before materials are due and when they become overdue.

When materials are 1 week overdue, the borrower will receive a reminder to return the items by mail or email. 

When materials are 4 weeks overdue, the borrower will be billed by mail for the unreturned materials. The patron may return the items and pay only the overdue fees.  The patron may declare the items lost and pay only the cost of the materials.

If you have any questions about Cardholder Policies, please call 440-428-2189 or email

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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