Social Media Policy

Policy on the Use of Madison Public Library’s Social Media Sites.

Purpose of the Library’s Social Media Sites:

The Madison Public Library (“Library”) has established social media sites primarily in order to inform Library users about Library programs, events (including those co-sponsored with other organizations), and materials, and to encourage dialogue and the exchange of information and knowledge between users and Library staff about these programs, events and materials. The Library’s Social media sites may also be used to notify the general public of Library employment opportunities. The Library’s social media sites are not intended to be traditional public forums for the general exchange of ideas and viewpoints, but a limited forum for discussing library programs, events, services, and materials.



By joining, utilizing and/or posting on the Library’s social media sites, users of library social media sites (“Users”) agree to comply with this policy, and the Madison Public Library’s Behavior Policies, as applicable.



The Library is not responsible or liable for the content of postings by third parties on any Library sponsored social media site, and postings do not reflect the opinions or positions of the Madison Public Library, its employees, or its Board of Trustees.


No Privacy:

Users have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library sponsored social media sites, and by utilizing these sites, Users consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor, and read any postings on the sites. The Library’s social media sites may be considered public records under Ohio Public Records laws.



By posting on the Library’s social media sites, Users give the Library permission to use their name, profile picture, and the content of any posting they make without compensation to Users or liability on the part of the Library.

Public Comments and Posts:

All interactions will be regularly monitored and reviewed for content and relevance. The library reserves the right to refrain from posting Users’ submissions or comments or to remove or edit them at any time, as determined by the Library in its sole discretion.

Users of library social media are expected to interact with the library and each other in a civil, respectful, and constructive manner. All content posted to sites maintained by the library must be related to library programs, events, services, and materials. Users are prohibited from posting or sharing content that is not related to library programs, events, and materials, including, but not limited to:

  • Advertisements
  • Solicitations
  • Spam
  • Obscenity
  • Sexual content
  • Violent content
  • Content that is harassing, threatening, discriminatory, abusive, profane, or offensive
  • Content that includes privileged, proprietary, or confidential information
  • Content that is or may be defamatory or libelous
  • Content that violates or may violate any applicable law, including, but not limited to, law relating to intellectual property, trademark, and copyright and laws
  • Content that promotes alcoholic beverages, cigarettes or tobacco products, or any illegal product, service, or activity
  • Content that promotes illegal discrimination
  • Content that supports or opposes any labor organization, candidate for public office, or a levy or bond issue.


Violations of this policy:

Postings which the Library in its sole discretion, deems unpermitted under this policy, may be removed in whole or in part by the Library or its agents immediately upon discovery by the Library (or its agent) without prior notice. The Library reserves the right to terminate accounts, ban, or block users who have posted in violation of this policy on more than one occasion.


Reporting Violations:

Users may report concerns. Administrators will respond to those concerns as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about Social Media Policies, please call 440-428-2189 or email

Social Media Policy approved MPL Board of Trustees March 12, 2024

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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