Meeting Room Policies

The Madison Public Library provides meeting rooms for Library-sponsored or co-sponsored programs which meet the Library’s civic, informational, cultural, educational and recreational service goals. Library sponsored or co-sponsored programs have first priority in scheduling.  The Library may choose to partner with organizations or businesses to provide fee-based services or goods if they are deemed to be in the public interest and fit the mission of the Library.

Rooms available for reservation are: MacKenzie Room: whole, sink half, or TV half, Small Quiet Room, Small Study Rooms. Other spaces may be available upon request on a first come first serve basis.

When the meeting rooms are not in use for Library activities or Library-sponsored activities, they shall be available to tutors, businesses, and private individuals/groups on a first-come, first–serve basis under the following guidelines as approved by the Board of Trustees. Requests to use meeting rooms on a reoccurring basis in a calendar year will be accepted starting at 10 a.m. on December 10th of the current year for the following calendar year. The maximum period of time during which a group may schedule a meeting room on a reoccurring basis is twelve months. To allow for broad community use of the facilities and to be fair to all, each group or individual may have a maximum of twelve (12) meetings scheduled at any time. All other room requests will be on a first come first served basis. Requests will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Policy Guidelines

Policy for use of the Madison Public Library facilities is determined by the Board of Trustees of the Library and administered by the Library’s Director or the Director’s designee.  All activities and programs conducted in the Library and its facilities are subject to the general rules and regulations of the Madison Public Library.  Questions not covered in this policy, will be decided by the Board and/or Director at their earliest convenience.

Meeting rooms are available to non-profit groups, tutors, businesses, and private individuals and groups.

In all reservations, the individual reserving the room is required to have a valid email and be at least 18 years old.  This person will be designated as the responsible party and must be in attendance for the entire period and is responsible for the conduct of the group and for any loss or damage to Library property and/or equipment.

Minors may use the meeting room provided the reserving applicant is both in attendance at the meeting and signs the application form.  For groups comprised primarily of minors, applicant agrees to have one adult in attendance in a supervisory capacity for every ten minors; minors should be supervised by an adult at all times.

Failure to abide by the Library’s Meeting Room Rules may result in loss of the privilege to reserve and use meeting rooms.  It may further result in termination of scheduled meetings, removal from the Library and incurred penalties.


Conditions for Use

Rooms are available for use, within the guidelines and priorities of the “Meeting Room Policy,” by all groups regardless of the beliefs and affiliations of any group or its individual members.

Group activities may not interfere with the conduct of Library business.  Facilities may not be used for activities in conflict with any current Library policy or for purposes prohibited by City, County, State, or Federal law.  Unlawful activity will be reported to appropriate local authorities.

The Library reserves the right to enforce fire codes, noise limitations or any other rule approved by the Library Board, to cancel any reservation for failure to follow Library rules, to preserve a safe environment, or for any emergency that may arise.  Activities involving the presence or use of any firearms, live ammunition or hazardous substances are not permitted (excluding the use of law enforcement personnel in the normal scope of their duties).

The Library reserves the right to discontinue use of the meeting rooms by any group that disturbs the usual operation and/or proceedings of the Library; or in any manner abuses the privilege of use of the room, or to suspend permission to use these rooms for any other reasonable reason, including the need to schedule the meeting room for Library-related functions.

Neither the name nor the address of the Library or its holdings may be used as the address or the headquarters of any organization meeting in the Library.

Rooms are only available for use during designated open public service hours.  With the exception of the MacKenzie room which is available for after-hours meetings as long as the person/group is here 15 minutes before closing. All after-hour meeting attendees in the MacKenzie room must be out of the Library by 11:00 p.m. on weeknights and 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays. All other meetings must end, and rooms must be vacated, 15 minutes prior to regularly scheduled Library closing times. The Library reserves the right to determine if the sole or primary purpose of a meeting is for the commercial sale of any product or service and to prohibit meetings determined to be primarily for this reason.

No funds of any kind or admission fees may be solicited or collected at the Library.  Sale of products or services is not permitted on Library property unless it is a Library-sponsored event.

No onsite storage is available in the facility and the Library assumes no responsibility for property before or after a meeting, or for lost or damaged articles.  Only applicants holding contiguous room reservations may be permitted to keep items on the premises overnight.

Regular Library parking and public restrooms are available at the Library.  Library staff will not be responsible for taking telephone messages for guests attending meetings in Library meeting rooms.

The Library reports statistics on use of its meeting rooms.  At the conclusion of each meeting/event, please complete the attendance report and leave it in the room.


Set Up

No materials may be attached to meeting room walls, doors, or windows.  A white board is available for use, please arrange at time of reservation.

Groups are responsible for transporting, setting up and operating their own equipment.  A cart can be provided upon request for bringing such equipment into the building.

Groups that view videos must secure all necessary performance licenses and indemnify the Library for any failure to do so. The use of the Library’s audio-visual equipment may be arranged at the time of reservation and with the understanding that the meeting room users will be able to independently operate this technology.

Room users are responsible for the set up for their meetings.  Clean up is the responsibility of the user and rooms are to be returned to like condition.  Clean up includes wiping tables and chairs, as needed, with the appropriate provided supplies. Floors should be vacuumed or swept as needed.   A vacuum can be requested at the Circulation Desk if not in the room. Cleaning supplies are available onsite.  Garbage should be disposed of in the appropriate provided receptacles.

Applicants agree to accept liability for any theft of property or damage to a facility, its furniture or equipment caused by the occupancy of said premises by their organization and any resulting damages will be charged to the sponsoring group.

Total hours requested must include set-up and clean-up time. Use period begins when the room is opened.

Applicant is responsible for arranging furniture as necessary for their event and returning the room to its original condition.

The Library and meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible.  Any other special needs of handicapped persons should be brought to the attention of the events facilitator at least 48 hours in advance of a scheduled meeting so that, if possible, the request can be filled.

Organizations/groups which are sponsoring programs/activities open to the general public are responsible for complying with accessibility requirements as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Adequate aisle space must be provided, and doors must not be blocked.

Advertising/Marketing Events

The Madison Public Library Board of Trustees, Administration and Staff do not endorse or approve any group applying to use Library meeting rooms or facilities, and makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-Library event held by any person or group using Library facilities pursuant to the Madison Public Library’s Meeting Room Rules and Regulations.   Nor does the booking of a group and the content of its subsequent meeting constitute an endorsement of, or any opinion about, the philosophy of such group by the Library.

No written or oral announcements or advertisements implying any Library endorsement of a group or its activities are permitted, unless the activity is truly and formally being cosponsored by the Library.  Therefore, advertisements should carry a disclaimer that states “The Madison Public Library Board of Trustees, Administration and Staff do not endorse or approve any group applying to use Library meeting rooms or facilities, and makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-Library event.”

In addition, the Library’s telephone number may not be used on any promotional materials, unless the event is Library-sponsored.  The Library requests that all marketing/advertising materials should contain a contact number for your group.

Groups using Library meeting rooms may not post signs inside or outside the Library or give materials to patrons in or around the Library.  Handouts may be made available on a table inside the meeting room for those attending the meeting to pick up if they desire.

The Library will accommodate directional advertising.

The Library reserves the right to take photographs for meetings/events open to the public.



Consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and/or use of illegal substances of any kind is strictly prohibited.

There are public vending machines available outside the MacKenzie room.

Food and refreshments may be served in designated rooms provided the place is left in the same condition as it was found.

Users must bring their own supplies and utensils.

The group will be charged for any and all damages beyond normal wear and tear on the furniture, carpet and equipment.

Groups assume responsibility for making sure all used paper goods and food remains are put in the appropriate supplied trash receptacles before vacating the premises.


Additional Equipment

Wireless internet access is available in the Library. Standard Library-use policies will apply.

Use of the Library’s audio-visual equipment can be arranged when making the reservation.  The remote control for the audio-visual equipment, computer cables, and extension cords can be checked-out by a group at the circulation desk.

Unless prior arrangements are made to include additional items in the room use agreement, or the program is co-sponsored by the Library, meeting rooms do not include the use of any other Library equipment or supplies.

Groups must bring their own laptop with appropriate HDMI or connections. If a group does not have their own equipment, please ask if the Library has equipment to borrow.



While every effort is made to honor all reservations, MPL reserves the right to cancel any engagement with a minimum of a one-week notice, except for emergencies, weather, or utility issues.  In such an unusual case, as much notice as possible will be given.

Groups should notify the Library of cancellations at least 24 hours in advance. The Library reserves the right to suspend or restrict permission for use of its facilities to applicants who repetitively cancel confirmed reservations


How to Reserve a room

There will be a link on the front page of our website at: to reserve a room, or you can call the library during our open hours to reserve a room. You will need a valid email address for your reservation.

Use of meeting rooms is free. Donations are welcome to help defray the costs of maintaining the meeting room facilities and equipment.

Any questions, suggestions, or concerns can be directed to the Library Director.

If you have any questions about Meeting Room Policies, please call 440-428-2189 or email

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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