Policy on Selection of Board Members

As a term on the Madison Public Library Board expires or as a vacancy occurs, the Board of Trustees of the Madison Public Library shall follow the “Bylaws of the Madison Public Library Board” and the “Guidelines for Selection of Board Members.” The “Guidelines” shall be established by an ad hoc committee of the Board, shall be distributed to Board members and to the public as needed and/or requested, and will be reviewed by an ad hoc committee every three years.


Each November, the Board of Trustees shall submit to the Madison Board of Education the name of a person it recommends for appointment to the Library Board for the seven-year term beginning the following January. The incumbent may serve on the Board up to two full terms, plus any partial term served if appointed mid-term. If the incumbent wishes to be reappointed after his/her second term, his/her name should be submitted to the board of trustees. When a mid-term vacancy occurs, the Board of Trustees shall submit a recommendation to the Madison Board of Education in a timely manner so that the appointing authority may make an appointment no later than forty-five days after the vacancy occurs (ORC 3375.15 amended 4/90).

The recommendations of the Board will conform with Section 3375.15 Ohio Revised Code (…No one is eligible to membership on such board of library trustees who is or has been for a year previous to his appointment a member of a board of education making such appointment. A majority of such trustees shall be qualified electors of the school district, but a minority may be qualified electors of the county who reside outside the school district, and all shall be appointed by the board of education of the school district. Such trustees shall serve for a term of seven years and without compensation. All vacancies on such board of library trustees shall be filled by the board of education by appointment for the unexpired term.).


The Recruiting of candidates will be done using the following:

  • news releases through various media announcing the process and inviting interested people to submit applications (forms available at library);
  • solicitation of referrals from current Board members and staff;
  • contact with various community agencies, boards and organizations.

The recommendation will be based on the following Criteria:

  • Nominees should have recognition of the library’s importance as a center of information, of community culture, recreation and continuing education.
  • Nominees should have an interest in the work of the public library, a commitment to its goals, the ability to work as a team member, and a willingness to ask questions, offer criticism and make suggestions. They should also have the courage to plan creatively, and to withstand pressures, prejudices and provincialism.
  • Consideration will be given to a diversity of interests, a balance of age, sex, ethnic background and socio-economic levels; and experience and/or knowledge in a variety of fields.
  • The composition of the Board should include members with: professional experience in law, education, accounting, personnel and labor relations; practical business experience, executive ability, management skills, building construction, technology, marketing and customer service. Political savvy and common sense are welcome attributes.
  • Because of the unique requirements of the Madison Public Library for general funding and support, consideration will be given to people who are active in community affairs.
  • A readiness to devote time and effort to carrying out the duties of trusteeship is necessary. This is a “working Board,” requiring every member to lend his/her time and talents, energy and enthusiasm. Attendance will be required at special meetings as well as regular meetings, long-range planning workshops, etc.
  • A commitment to intellectual freedom is essential.


The Process of Selection shall include:

  • appointment of a nominating committee by the President of the Board of Trustees by July 1 of each year, charged with recommending nominees for appointment to the Board;
  • distribution of “Madison Public Library Application for Appointment to The Board of Trustees” and “Responsibilities of Trustees”;
  • review of questionnaires by the nominating committee;
  • review of applications from previous two years;
  • personal interviews with the top three or four candidates by the nominating committee;
  • recommendation from the committee to the Board of the persons it believes meet the qualifications and/or special skills needed to balance those represented by the continuing Board members;
  • action by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the committee;
  • transmittal of that action to the Madison Local School Board of Education in a timely manner.

If you have any questions about Board Members Policies, please call 440-428-2189 or email info@madison-library.info.

Application for Appointment to the Board of Trustees
New trustee Application and Recruitment packet

CLEVNET Upgrades!

On 2/10/25, starting at 9pm EST, you might experience intermittent interruptions with the catalog as CLEVNET conducts system upgrades. CLEVNET expects the upgrades to be completed overnight.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

The Library will be closed today

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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